
Friday, February 17, 2012

Lots to catch up on!

I hope you all haven't given up on us. With the busyness of life, sometimes our poor blog gets neglected. But I will try to catch you up. I'm doing great! I've been trying just to soak up the goodness of being in the second trimester. In a few weeks things will start to get uncomfortable. I'm currently 27 weeks along.
Andrew is doing well. His vocabulary has finally started to take off. He has maybe 10-15 words that he will use without being prompted, but he has maybe 30 or so that he will repeat if he is reminded. It's so fun to hear his little voice and what words he will pick up next.
And not to leave out my dear hubby, he is busy with tax season so we don't see too much of him these days.
Here are a few pics of what we have been up to lately

In case you are curious, this is what I looked like at 26 weeks prego:

I'm so glad that Andrew enjoys reading books. My heart melts when I catch him reading quietly in the corner.

Andrew loves cheese and usually complains/begs for more when it is gone. Imagine his delight when I peeled a piece off his cheek :)

Andrew in the snow. We haven't seen too much of the white stuff around here this winter.

Love the pure joy on his face! We bought him a stool so he could wash his own hands. This is a hit day after day.

Matchbox cars are the toy of choice around here. I'm amazed how long he plays with one single car!

Ryan getting Andrew all riled up right before bedtime

A sensory project gone wrong. I thought Andrew playing in Cool Whip instead of finger paints would be a little easier on ME to clean up. I should have guessed that he would rather eat it than play in it. So we cut that play time short before he ate a whole tubs worth.

My friend, Kelley, brought over a slide for Andrew. He sure does love that thing! I love the facial expressions I captured.