
Saturday, June 18, 2011

new activites

Now that the days are sunnier and warmer, there are a lot more activities to do with Andrew. We've been having fun. I would say that one of the most fun parts of being a parent to a toddler is watching them think and having fun exploring. Here's what we have been up to:

Andrew loves to play on this bike even though he doesn't exactly know how it works. Every once in a while he will accidentally push himself backwards which he finds amusing

In these next few pictures, we went to a local school playground. Most of the equipment was too big for Andrew but he still found his own way to have fun.

He had more fun in the wood chips than I ever thought would be possible. After about 15 minutes of playing in those things, it was time to move on...but not before 'sampling' a few.

Andrew looked at these kids for quite a while, trying to figure them out. I love that perplexed look on his face

We came across a rock that had water running out of it. He loves to splash so this was the perfect finding. Naturally, he left soaking wet but it was SO worth it!

Back at home, there is more splashing in his new 'kiddie' pool.

As always, Andrew just being so darn cute!!!

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